Helped Increased New Subscriptions by 75k+ in a year
Hugeiconmultimediaandaudiooutlineheadphones1912Media & entertainment
clock18933 months
globe1893Real-world project
Luminary is a subscription podcast that broadcasts original audio shows that aimed to bring together listeners and creators in one place.
Project Overview
The podcasting and streaming industry has seen rapid growth, with platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible competing for user attention. Luminary, a premium podcast platform, aims to differentiate itself and expand its user base, by integrate its content into the Comcast X1 platform.
The ProblemLuminary recognized that users were facing significant hurdles when trying to access and engage with its original content, which was primarily limited to its website and mobile app. These hurdles not only frustrated users but also highlighted several key challenges and pain points, including:
Bulletpoint1893Users struggle to find Luminary's original content, limiting access and engagement.
Bulletpoint1893Users want to access Luminary content on other familiar platforms not just on a app or website.
Bulletpoint1893Business need: Limited accessibility results in missed opportunities for subscriber growth.
ProblemBulletpoint1893Overwhelming content choices across platforms complicates user engagement.
Navigating Luminary’s content created frustrations and barriers to accessing content effectively.
The Solution
To tackle the various challenges and pain points faced by users, Luminary devised a comprehensive solution centered around the integration of its content into the Comcast X1 platform. This strategic move aimed to enhance content discoverability and accessibility, ultimately driving user engagement and subscriber growth.
Successbulletpoint1893Integrating Luminary's app with Comcast X1 allows users to easily access original content in a familiar environment.
Successbulletpoint1893Enhancing user experience with browsable and searchable libraries supports seamless podcast playback.
Successbulletpoint1893A user-centric design approach ensures the TV app meets user needs for discovering and enjoying podcasts.
Successbulletpoint1893Targeted growth goals that aim to attracted 50,000 to 75,000 new subscribers in the first year highlighting Luminary's focus on enhancing user engagement and growth.
Project Team• Product Owner
• Project Manger
• Service Designer/User Research
• Lead Business Analyst
• Lead iOS Developer
• iOS Engineer
• Full Stack Developer
My RoleAs the lead UX designer on this project, I was responsible for the entire design process, from research and ideation to final UI designs and the UI component library. I collaborated closely with the development team to ensure the designs were implemented correctly and efficiently.
Tools Used• Sketch
• Photoshop CC
• InVision
• Zeplin
• Jira
My Design Process
DefineSetting the Stage: Conducted Stakeholder Interviews to Align Project Goals and User Needs
I kicked off the Luminary X1 project by conducting stakeholder interviews with the team to clarify our direction and gather essential business and user requirements.

This initial step was crucial for understanding the project’s vision and aligning goals with user needs. Engaging with the team ensured I had a clear grasp of their expectations and the project scope, laying a solid foundation for my work.
DiscoveryUncovering Insights Through Research
In this phase, I dove deep into research, analyzing a wide range of the competitive landscape, Luminary’s brand and different listeners behaviors to inform my design strategy and ensure alignment with Luminary's brand. Gathering insights on user preferences was critical in informing the rest of my design process.
Analyze Existing Brand and Information Architecture
I first conducted exploratory research to analyze and audit Luminary’s existing brand experience, how users currently navigate their website and the information architecture of their website.
Goals: • The goal was to dive deep into the market and user expectations, eliminating as much uncertainty and guesswork.
• To understanding the existing landscape and identifying areas for improvement.
Results:• My goal was to dive deep into the market and user expectations, eliminating as much uncertainty and guesswork.
Developed a Detailed Sitemaps to Visualize User Navigation
Next, I crafted detailed sitemaps to outlined Luminary’s website and the new TV app's structure, visualizing how users navigated through the existing website and how they would navigate through the app. This step was vital for ensuring that information was organized logically, resulting in a clear framework that guided my design efforts.
(Note: Roll over image below to stop image scrolling)
Comprehensive Research: Understanding Competitors, Users and Technical Constraints
Next, I immersed myself in extensive exploratory research to gain a deep understanding of the competitive landscape and the behaviors, needs, and preferences of the target users.
Goal: • My goal was to identify opportunities for differentiation while ensuring that the designs would be feasible within the technical constraints of the Comcast platform.
Result: • This research yielded a wealth of valuable insights that informed my design strategy and aligned with the technical capabilities of the Comcast ecosystem, ultimately setting the stage for a user-centric app.
Created UI Design Moodboards for Visual Inspiration
Finally, I created a moodboard to explore different aesthetic directions and thematic elements for the design. This visual exploration was instrumental in defining the overall look and feel of the app, ensuring it aligned with Luminary's brand identity. The moodboards provided a rich source of inspiration that guided the design process and helped communicate the vision to stakeholders.
IdeationCreative Sparks: 

Transforming Inspiration into Tangible Design Concepts
The ideation phase sparked creativity as I transformed insights into tangible design concepts, generating initial sketches and wireframes to visualize user interactions.
Generated Initial Sketches to Explore Design Concepts
I started sketching initial design concepts based on our research findings. These sketches allowed me to explore different ideas quickly and visually communicate them to the team, resulting in a collection of ideas that sparked further discussion and exploration.
Home Screen
My Show Screen
Show Details Screen
Episodes Details Screen
Search Screen
Developed Mid-Fidelity Wireframes to Structure User Interactions
Next, I created mid-fidelity wireframes to provide a structured representation of the app's layout and functionality. This step was crucial for visualizing user interactions and refining the user experience, leading to a clearer understanding of how users would navigate the app.
DesignBringing Concepts to Life: Designing a Seamless User Experience
The design phase was about developing high-fidelity designs that were visually appealing and functionally effective. I also created a comprehensive design system to ensure consistency across the product.
Created High-Fidelity UI Mockups for Visual Representation
I designed high-fidelity UI mockups that brought the earlier concepts to life, applying branding elements, color palettes, and typography. This stage allowed stakeholders to visualize the design, resulting in a polished representation that aligned with user expectations.
Home ScreenWas designed as the central hub for users to easily navigate and access Luminary's original content and featured shows.
Show Details ScreenWhen you click on a show, the Show Detail Screen allows users to explore everything about the show, from the episode list to the descriptions, helping use decide what to listen to next.
Audio Player ScreenGives users the control on how they listen to podcasts, allowing them to play, pause and navigate through episodes with ease, ensuring they have a smooth and enjoyable listening experience.
My Show ScreenEnables users to manage and view all their favorite shows, keeping track of episodes and updates in one convenient location.
Search ScreenHelps users to quickly find specific shows or episodes by entering keywords, making content discovery more efficient.
UI Component LibraryNext, I established a UI component library to standardize design elements and ensure consistency across the app. This library served as a reference for both designers and developers, resulting in a cohesive design system that streamlined the development process.
DeliveryBringing It All Together:
Launching a User-Centric TV App with Impact
During the Delivery Phase of the Luminary X1 project, I focused on ensuring that our carefully crafted designs were seamlessly translated into a functional app, collaborating closely with the development team every step of the way.
Key Goals:
Collaboration with Developers• Worked closely with the development team to ensure accurate translation of designs into production.
• Conducted regular check-ins to address questions and facilitate discussions.
Final Design Handoff• Polished and finalized UI designs after reviewing with stakeholders.
• Conducted regular check-ins to address questions and facilitate discussions.
Monitoring Implementation• Provided the development team with all necessary design assets for accurate implementation.
• Ensured a smooth handoff, setting the stage for successful development of the Luminary app on the Comcast X1 platform.
ConclusionOutcome, Results & Lessons Learned
Key Results:• The Luminary app successfully launched on the Comcast X1 platform, achieving the goal of enhancing content discoverability. An increase of 50,000 to 75,000 new subscribers was anticipated within the first year.
• The integration of Luminary’s content into the Comcast ecosystem provided an additional point of discovery for new customers, which was crucial for expanding brand awareness and audience engagement.
Lessons Learned:
• The importance of aligning UX design with business objectives became clear. By focusing on creating a user-friendly experience, the design choices were validated, demonstrating the value of UX work to stakeholders.• In hindsight, while initial goals were met, the potential benefits of incorporating more robust analytics and usability testing to further refine the user experience would be something I would have loved to . Future projects would benefit from integrating user feedback loops to enhance design iterations.